Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Two New Born Babies Score Perfect 10 - The Cradle Bangalore Maternity Hospital

Sunday was one opportunity in a century to mention that unusual set of numbers in the dateline of a letter.

On October 10,2010, commonly written as 10-10-10 across the world, two babies here in the City were born at exactly 10 o’clock 10 minutes and 10 seconds. The couples - Ankitha and Ashish Kumar - Pavithra and Vinod were blessed with the babies.

While some numerologists believe the birth of a child today could be auspicious, others say it has no special meaning. “The number 10-10-10 has no significance on its own. But look at it in relation with occult practices, then the numbers have a lot to say,” said S N Thekur, a city-based numerologist.

According to Thekur, the number 1 in the 10 is the denomination of the Sun. Add the number 1 three times in 10-10-10, then it is 3. “Three is the number assigned to planet Jupiter in the numbers designated from 1 to 9, each to a planet. Jupiter stands for traditional values and Genealogy,” Thekur said.

Towards spirituality

According to the numerologist, those who were born on the day will lean towards spirituality and have a favourable mix in their life with both the Sun and Jupiter playing their part.

Amara Bavani Dev, another noted astrologer believes that the birth of a child on this day could spell ‘good karma’ which has bestowed them to be born on this day.

“People born on this day are very fortunate and will experience a culmination of previous good karma. as the first of the two-digit numbers, 10 also represents a whole new of experiences,” she said.

On the other hand, another City-based numerologist, D Jagannatha Rao believes that the number casts a lot of concerns.

“While the number looks pretty, it signifies a lot troubles later in life. The number of zeros in today’s day shows that the person who is born today will have to do a lot of hard work to succeed,” said Rao.

Whether the children born in the City on 10-10-10 or across the world will have to struggle or will sail through life is a question only time can answer. But on Sunday, it was a day of celebrations for the two families who added a new member to their family and lives.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

QnA With Dr Kishore on Why Most Men Go Into Denial About Infertility

Dr Kishore Kumar, consultant neonatologist and CEO, The Cradle ( the developments in infertility treatment since the birth of the first test-tube babyin 1978

Do you think in-vitro fertilisation is now accepted as part of regular medical
procedures? Are there any social stigmas attached to it in India?
Ever since the first test-tube baby was born, there were concerns raised about IVF.

Many conservatives who opposed such treatment even threatened to kill the man who has now been honoured with the Nobel Prize for medicine,
Robert Edwards. Indian doctors too faced challenges in offering IVF treatment. However, 1978 was a long time ago, and much water has flowed down the bridge
since then. IVF is no longer stigmatised.

That is not to say, however, that there is greater scientific understanding of the problems of infertility in the general mass of the Indian population.

Even today, when a couple arrives for treatment, the assumption is often that
the woman is responsible for being unable to conceive. For a man, his very manhood is defined by his vigour and his fertility.

When men are told that the problem lies with them, there is huge denial, great reluctance to accept the diagnosis. Up to 45% of the cases we see are due to problems with the man.

Q. Is the treatment now available to the common man?
Fortunately, infertility is not

such a common problem.Over the years, treatment has also become very much more affordable. Treatment procedures that earlier cost over Rs1lakh can now be had for
about Rs50,000.

Q. Are your patients mostly urban?

A majority of those who seek such treatment live in urban areas. But we even have patients who come to urban centres from rural areas, seeking such treatment.The number of such couples is still low, but I’m sure that with time, there will be more couples from rural areas seeking treatment for infertility.

Q. Does IVF come with many risks?

Yes. A pregnancy that results from this procedure could be fraught with the risk of miscarriage or still-birth. However, couples are often well-informed
of the risks they take.

Q. Are there programmes for creating awareness about IVF?

Promoting awareness of the infertility problem is the least of the worries of the government, which is attempting to control the population explosion. Infertility is a very personal problem. Information passes through word of mouth, and that is happening. People now know that there is medical solution to the problem
of infertility.

Monday, September 13, 2010

What Causes Hernia? Signs and Symptoms of Hernia | Hernia Treatment

A hernia develops if part of an internal body organ (usually your intestine) protrudes through a tear or through a weak point in the thin wall of muscle holding your abdominal organs in place.

There are several different types of hernia, depending where it occurs:

Inguinal Hernia -- which appears as a bulge in the groin or scrotum is more common in men than women;

Hiatal Hernia -- a condition in which a portion of the stomach protrudes upward into the chest, through an opening in the diaphragm;

Femoral Hernia -- which appears as a bulge in the upper thigh. This type of hernia is more common in women;

incisional hernia -- can occur through a scar, particularly if the incision has not been adequately sutured following abdominal surgery;

umbilical hernia -- which appears as a bulge around the navel and occurs if the muscle around the navel does not close completely after birth.

What causes hernia?

Hernias can occur in any adult. Although it is often said to result from heavy lifting and straining, there is no obvious single cause of hernia.

Infants and young children can also develop hernias. This happens if the lining around the infant's abdominal organs fails to close properly before birth. This occurs in about 5% of children with boys more likely than girls to develop hernias. In some children it is not readily detectable as they may not develop any symptoms until they are adults.

Signs and symptoms of hernia

Hernia is detectable as:

hiatal hernia by itself rarely causes symptoms -- pain and discomfort are usually due to the reflux of gastric acid or bile. Reflux happens more easily in the presence of hiatal hernia, though a hiatal hernia is not the only cause of reflux;

discomfort or pain in the groin, particularly if this is aggravated by lifting or bending;

a tender lump in the groin or scrotum which may increase in size when coughing, bending, lifting, or straining;

a non-tender bulge or lump in children. The lump may not be obvious in infants and children, except when the child is crying or coughing.

Hernia Treatment

If you are unsure whether you have a hernia you should visit your doctor if:

you have groin pain or a swelling or a bulge in your groin;

your child has an umbilical hernia which has failed to heal on its own by the time your child is about five years old.

You should call your doctor right away if:

you have a hernia and you cannot push the contents of your hernia back into your abdomen using gentle pressure;

you have a hernia and you develop nausea, vomiting, or a fever. This could mean that your hernia has become strangulated and has developed an infection;

your hernia becomes red, purple, dark, or discolored.

Almost all hernias require surgery, preferably before complications occur, to reposition the protruding loop of intestine and secure the weakened muscles in the abdomen.

Surgery for this is usually performed as an outpatient procedure using local or general anesthesia. Through an incision, the piece of bowel forming the hernia is placed back into the abdominal cavity. Then the muscle wall of the abdomen is stitched closed. A piece of plastic mesh is often used to reinforce the defective section of the abdominal wall. Visit

Source: US National Library of Medicine

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Hernia Surgery On Infant - The Cradle Hospital Saves The Child

A two-and-a-half days old baby underwent laparoscopic surgery for congenital diaphragmatic Hernia (CDH) at The Cradle hospital on recently.

Also, the baby was discharged after ten days, a rarity since most are kept for around four weeks. However, since it was a laparoscopic surgery, the recovery was faster, said Paediatric Surgeon Dr S Ramesh.

The baby was diagnosed with CDH during the pre-natal test done in London, where the doctors said that the baby's survival may be only 50 per cent. So Jasna Ramakrishna, the baby's mother, flew to Bangalore and consulted at The Cradle.

Dr Kishore Kumar, neonatologist, said CDH was a birth defect which causes an abnormal opening in the diaphragm, the muscle that helps a person breathe. The opening allows part of the organs from the belly (stomach, spleen, liver, and intestines) to go up into the chest cavity near the lungs. The prevalence of CDH in new born babies is one in every 2,000-4,000 live births in India. Family history increases the chances of a baby developing CDH.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Depression During Pregnancy - Dealing With Postpartum Depression? Tips And Techniques

Postpartum depression, also known as postnatal depression or the baby blues affects some women after they have given birth.

The symptoms can include:

  • - Feeling low and sad for no apparent reason
  • - Feeling tired most of the time
  • - Tearfulness
  • - Irritability
  • - Disturbed sleep
  • - Disinterested in caring for the baby
  • - Lack of appetite or eating too much
  • - Feeling worthless and inadequate
  • - Anxiety
  • - Lack of libido
  • - Withdrawal from social activities
  • - Excessive worrying

If severe, the effects can be devastating on mother and baby and indeed the rest of the family, and at a time that is supposed to be joyful.

Having a new baby to care for can be a daunting experience so it is perfectly natural to feel tired and a little anxious. You are suddenly responsible for a new life and along with this there are sleepless nights to deal with, and then your days are taken up caring for the new baby with feeds and nappy changes and routines to settle in to. There's no doubt about it, having a new baby involves a great deal of adjustment in the home and this is inevitably going to be stressful and tiring.

However, the difference between normal feelings of fatigue and worry, and postpartum depression, is that with postpartum depression the symptoms are more severe and they persist.

What causes Postpartum Depression?

There is no single clear cut reason why some women develop postpartum depression and not others but research has shown that nutritional deficiencies can be involved so it's important to make sure that your diet is good before, during and after pregnancy.

One nutrient in particular that has been found to play quite an important role during and after pregnancy is Omega 3. The Omega 3 fatty acids Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) are vital during pregnancy and indeed where EPA is concerned each and every one of us need adequate supplies for the whole of our lives whether we are pregnant or not. DHA is needed for healthy growth and development of the brain and eyesight and EPA is needed for efficient functioning of the brain on an ongoing basis.

It stands to reason that if the mother is not getting all the nutrients she needs whilst the baby is taking what little she has, then the mother will find her supplies of nutrients severely depleted.

It's an interesting point that people suffering from depression, and not just postpartum depression but indeed any mental health problem tend to have lower than normal levels of EPA in their blood.

Self help techniques for postpartum depression

  • - If your diet has been less than adequate it may be worth considering an Omega 3 fish oil supplement, speak to your doctor for more advice
  • - Get as much rest as you can, try to sleep when baby sleeps
  • - Try to avoid any extra stresses, this wouldn't be a good time to move house for example
  • - If you find yourself with a spare moment, indulge. Read a book, watch television, have a relaxing bath, don't spend these precious moments rushing around trying to do chores and be perfect, that little space can be a life saver
  • - Talk to your family and your care professionals about how you are feeling

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Sunday, August 22, 2010

Senior Obstetrician from Cradle saves the life of a 32 year old mother!

A 32 year- old woman with a 10 kg ovarian tumor has been successfully operated in our hospital on Monday.

A team of our doctors from the woman child care division performed the operation on the woman. Hima Prasanth (name changed) delivered a baby boy about 18 months ago, and the post - delivery put on weight. She tried her best to shed the extra kilos in vain.
Finally, she went in for a check up at Cradle. The doctors diagnosed her with ovarian tumor that is believed to have developed after the delivery which she mistakenly believed to be excess weight.

Dr Kishore said, “It is very rare that tumors develop this fast to such a size. Usually tumors detected are around 500 gms or less than a Kg. the woman had not felt any pain and hence did not suspect she had a tumor and dismissed the swelling on her abdomen as weight gain

Senior obstetrician and gynecologist Dr.Praksh Kini said, "The tumor is more than a baby weight. It is almost like she delivered triplets.
Ovarian tumors are relatively uncommon and normally they are diagnosed at an earlier stage."

Dr Prakash along with doctors Suma and Kavitha performed the surgery on Monday and removed the tumor. The patient is doing well, the doctor said.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

World No Tobacco Day - Smoking Risks On Women | As The Men Stubs it Out, Women Light Up

There was a time when men complained that their wife or girlfriend would not allow them to smoke.These days, it is not unusual for the girl to light up first, and the man to follow unsure. Many factors have contributed to a growing number of women taking to smoking - fun, an assertion of gender equality, a stress-busting habit. The focus this World Tobacco Day is all on the smoking woman, and the health hazards she faces.

Women may be striking out for equality in all walks of life, but the stress of doing so and still perform brilliantly on the home front is driving many to what is widely seen as stress buster smoking."With changing times men have not seen much of a role change, but women are not only tackling the home front but are also equally responsible professionally. This has put them under greater pressure says Sudha, a counselor with a tobacco cessation clinic, who finds that while for some women smoking begins as a style statement, the stress factor makes it a habit they find hard to get rid of.

For younger women what starts as a girly fun activity gradually becomes an addiction, say counselors, who are now coming across the disturbing trend of girls using smoking as an appetite killer, in their quest to attain a fashionable size zero? "Many girls take to smoking because they think it kills appetite. What they don't understand is that it damages their uterus, increase the risk of miscarriages, asthma in their unborn child and causes various other problems.' says Dr R, Kishore Kumar, CEO and MD, The Cradle.

The idea this World Tobacco Day is to focus on the gender issues that are leading tobacco addiction and deal with them so that women are discouraged from smoking no matter what the provocation.

"Many Women seem to be smoking since participating in a bigger number in the work force. So there is a serious need to design a campaign specifically targeting them" Says Dr Riyaz Basha, nodal officer, anti-tobacco cell, Bangalore.

He finds the trend of women smoking disturbing because they often play a key role in influencing men against use of tobacco. The fact that the anti - tobacco campaign may lose their assistance is hard to stomach for many involved in the fight against smoking.

According to DR RIYAZ BASHA - (Nodal Officer, anti tobacco cell, Bangalore) "Tobacco consumption is directly linked to anxiety and depression. A survey done on medical students of different institutes showed in the final year of the course they smoked more as a result of rising stress and anxiety levels".

STEPHEN JUNK (IVF expert from Australia and consultant at Sure Fertility)
"Surprisingly seems to be on the rise in India and china compared to other parts of the world where it has been contained to certain extent. This explains the increasing problem of infertility being seen here, because nicotine causes major damage not only to the female reproduction system but also men's ability to reproduce

Dr NITI RAIZAD NARANG (Consultant Medical oncologist) “Smoking combined with increased intake of oral contraceptives makes women more vulnerable to cardio - vascular diseases. Some take to smoking to remain in shape, not realizing that it cuts down on appetite at the cost of their health”.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Stop Smoking During Pregnancy: Fertility Wheezes As Woman Puff | Harmful Effects of Smoking

As the cityscape morphs into a modern dystopia, so do our lifestyles. An Increasing number of young Indian Women are looking to cigarettes in the hope of keeping slim and getting rid of stress. The killer habit, however, is causing a rapid decline in fertility among women.

"The incidence of smoking is decreasing globally except for India and China. Women, especially those working in the corporate sector have misconception like smoking can prevent obesity and reduce one's appetite. What they don't understand is that it is this habit that leads to cancer, still-birth, and premature deliveries’. Smoking also makes the child prone to asthma ", said Dr R Kishore Kumar, CEO, The Cradle.

Dr Kumar was recently presented with a case where the woman was a regular smoker with a high profile job in the corporate sector. "She was finding it difficult to conceive, and couldn't give up smoking. Finally once she conceived, in the fourth month of her pregnancy, she miscarried,' said Dr Kumar.

Effects of Smoking on Pregnant Woman

"Tobacco in any form causes vasospasm that is the reduction in the size of the blood vessels, or the thinning of the vessel. This, in women, affects ovarian function and reduces the blood flow in the uterus. This in turn affects egg release and disturb the menstrual cycle." said Dr Padmini Prasad, director institute of Sexual Medicine, According to Dr.Prasad: “Due to a deficit in the blood supply from the narrowing of blood vessels the pregnant woman carries a high risk of abortion. Besides, the baby may face growth reduction and at times, premature delivery and related complication."

Smoking Risks on Pregnant Woman

A Lack of adequate supply of blood can lead to premature uterine contraction in the woman leading to the premature delivery of an underweight baby, said Dr Prasad.
"There is a direct relation between nicotine addiction and infertility in both men and women. Certain free radicals are released in the body because of nicotine and that affects the eggs. Also regular smoking increases the level of carbon monoxide in the baby which is also harmful to the eggs," said Dr Aarthi Bharat, gynecologist of Sagar Hospital.

Quitting Smoking can alleviate these problems."If they quit smoking for two to three years prior to planning a family, there is a reversal of the damage caused by nicotine and the body is suitable for conception," said Dr Bharat.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Advice on Parenting - 11 Useful Tips For Young Parents | Tips on Parenting

Parenting information

There are many ways through which you can explain and justify proper parenting. Experts believe that most of the parents do right things at the right moments when parenting comes their way. They are able to do so because they are guided by their instinct. Every act which they perform regarding parenting comes out instinctively. Some of the sublime parenting skills adopted by ideal parents revolve round love, security and confidence-building of their wards. However, there are more issues than these. Parents come across diverse range of issues which must be addressed in the light of contemporary requirements.

Either of the parents plays most dominant and vital roles in the life of their children. How parents play their roles would have far-reaching impact on the overall development of their children and determine their future course when they travel from childhood to adulthood.

Prime target of all the parents is to raise children in a way which could shape them into healthy, happy and well-adjusted children. But it is never easy to induce these qualities into growing children. It is a strenuous and long-term course always be committed. In short, we can say that towards which parents should parenting is a full-time job that requires lifelong commitment.

Parenting advices

Some of the great parenting advices which are specifically meant for young parents include:

1) Lock your bedroom door
2) Plant goodbye kiss on your wife in front of your kids
3) Avoid passing on to your kids bad habits
4) Do not set high sights on what kind of parent you should become
5) Watch cartoon channels with your kids
6) Start to plan for college fund from now
7) Take breaks from work on specific occasions
8) Purchase a minivan
9) Take of photos of your kids every now and then
10 Learn some juggling tricks and show them to your kids
11) Always try to be steady

Some of the time-tested parenting skills meant for young parents includes:


Parenting times are actually testing times for parents. If you happen to be a young parent, you may come across situations that you think are awkward. But during all these awkward situations, you have to show great amount of patience and staying power. Patience is one of the most powerful parenting skills. It holds you back from throwing down your baby on the bed when it has been crying continuously for hours together.

Love and affection

Generally, love and affection are not counted as parenting skills. But these are as important for your baby as oxygen. These are basic instinctive features parents are given by Providence. But parents can enrich them and shape them into skill with their constant efforts and genuine concern for their kids. Love and affection make bond between kids and parents strong and help in the overall development of the children.

Monday, May 24, 2010

The Cradle Bangalore: An Ideal Kids Clinic | Maternity Hospital In Bangalore

The Cradle Bangalore is a specialty healthcare facility designed for women and children. It is a venture of The Kids Clinic [Bangalore] Pvt Ltd. The healthcare facility is run in collaboration with Apollo Hospital Group. It is generally believed that The Cradle has pioneered several revolutionary concepts in the field of pregnancy, maternity and childbirth. Sublime intention of this specific healthcare facility is evident from its slogan “Delivering Joy.”

This high profile healthcare facility is supported by cutting edge technology, qualified doctors and coveted infrastructure. But the real force behind the initiative is Dr. Kishore Kumar who is responsible for promotion and success of this world-class healthcare facility. Other force behind this unique project is Scrips N Scrolls India Pvt. Ltd.

Dr. Kishore Kumar is a renowned neonatologist. He is known for his expertise in most of the world countries. He has vast working experience in this field. He has the rare honor of working in four continents and numerous countries such as India, UK, USA and Australia.

Scrips N Scrolls India Pvt. Ltd. is a well-known company. It deals in property development as well as investments. The company was established in 1992. Since its inception, it has carried out a good number of projects in the city of Bangalore and in its vicinity.

Board of Directors of The Cradle comprises following members:

§ Dr. R. Kishore Kumar

§ Mrs. Vidya Kumar

§ Mr. M. Ramchandra

§ Mr. Rohit M.A

Some of the facilities and amenities offered by The Cradle include pharmacy, lab, 4D ultrasound, Barista [coffee house], baby boutique and play area for kids.

Specific healthcare services for which The Cradle is known are its physiotherapy services, nutrition services and lactation consultant services.

Physiotherapy services

The Cradle has on offer specifically designed physiotherapy services for expecting moms. These exercises include both antenatal and postnatal exercises. Important among them include:

ü Posture training

ü Lamaze birthing techniques

ü Relaxation techniques

ü Using birthing ball

ü Post menopausal exercises

ü Pelvic floor assessment and exercises

ü Uterine prolapse

ü Post mastectomy [breast surgery] exercises

ü Baby massage

Nutrition services

Nutrition services offered by The Cradle are meant for different phases of pregnancy. A few of these services include:

Ø Pregnancy induced hypertension

Ø Insufficient weight gain

Ø Increased weight gain

Ø Impaired glucose tolerance

Ø Weaning practices

Ø Childhood obesity

Ø Improving the supply of breast milk

Ø Dieting regimen to get back in shape

Lactation consultant services

These services include help and support of lactation consultant who helps women with inverted or flat nipples. Lactating mothers are supported with various feeding techniques.

Panel of doctors

Doctors serving The Cradle are associated with departments like obstetrics and gynaecology, fertility and neonatology or paediatrics.

Prominent names among the serving doctors include:

· Dr. Kishore Kumar

· Dr. Kallesh Hebbal

· Dr. Padmini Issac

· Dr. Rupa K S

· Dr. prakash Kini

· Dr. Leela Bhagavan

Consultant Obstetricians are independent practitioners and, as such, they undergo a rigorous process to gain admitting privileges to the hospital. This involves evaluating their background, experience and qualifications and ensuring they maintain their high standard of practice.
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Monday, May 17, 2010

Pregnancy Stages: Body Changes During Pregnancy | Pregnancy and Gradual Changes It Causes to Body

Pregnancy and Gradual Changes It Causes to Body
Pregnancy is an exciting process which enables you to feel your baby grow day by day and week by week. The process of pregnancy can be more exciting and thrilling for woman who is passing through the experience for the first time. It is nice to know what these changes [especially body changes] are all about and what they mean. The changes which expecting women feel and see are mainly due to the changes which take place inside. These changes actually happen to the baby that is inside the womb.

The entire period of pregnancy can be divided into three stages which are also known as trimesters. These trimesters can also help track the features and shapes of the baby inside week by week. Let's cast a close look at each of these trimesters.

First trimester
First trimester of pregnancy expands over a period of three and a half months. If we calculate the period in week, the first trimester begins from the first day of the last period and lasts until the end of the 13th week. This stage is known to cause prolonged and horrible vomiting tendency. The morning sickness can be caused at anytime. But specially, it takes place during daytime. The expecting mothers can also experience enlarged breasts during this stage of pregnancy.

Doctors usually advise pregnant women during the first trimester to include lots of vitamin, mineral, folic acid and nutrient supplements to their daily food intake. These supplements play vital roles in the growth and development of the baby inside. Women passing through the first trimester of pregnancy are recommended to take extra precaution against any kind of heavy weight lifting or jerking. Doctors advise to take extra precaution against these mostly at the start of the first trimester because during this period, implantation of embryo takes place.

Second trimester
This stage of pregnancy is known to be less vulnerable to risk. Experts term the phase as the most relaxed and easiest stage as most of the expectant women restore their lost energy during this period. Trimester is less vulnerable to risk mainly because the embryo gets well-rooted at the onset of this stage. This phase lasts until seven months of pregnancy. Second trimester is considered to expand from 14 to 28 weeks of pregnancy.

Third trimester
Third trimester begins when pregnancy enters into 28th week and it lasts until 40th week when it gains full-term. During this stage of pregnancy, expectant women behave more sensitively, anxiously and emotionally. But these are common and natural behavior. Most often, this final stage of pregnancy carries with it symptom like back pain that is only due to increased body weight.

To know more about pregnancy you can visit their clinic, The cradle bangalore is comprehensive health care for women, not just during pregnancy and post-delivery but also in pre-pregnancy planning. For more details you can visit their hospital in bangalore or contact them at

The Cradle Bangalore
1533, 9th Main, 3rd Block,
Bangalore - 560 011

Tel: 080 - 4020 2222
Fax: 080 - 4020 2233


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Tips For Pregnant Women: Safe Exercise During pregnancy | Exercise to Avoid During Pregnancy

Exercising Tips for Pregnant Women
Exercise during pregnancy can be recommended only if you are healthy. The fact that you are healthy must always be determined by your physician. Exercise can serve some of the best of purposes for would-be-moms. It can lend them better emotional and physical feeling and put them relaxed during the pregnancy phases. Apart from it, exercise during pregnancy is also known to control weight and reduce stress as well as fatigue in a very effectively way. Most importantly, exercise has several far-reaching effects on the body. Women can use exercise for getting fast recovery after the baby is delivered.

Safe exercises during pregnancy

Experts prescribe some workout-related activities for expectant moms. These workouts are believed to be safe for them. They improve blood circulation and cardiovascular health of expecting moms. However, there is a silver lining which indicates what phase is conducive for safe exercising during pregnancy. Expecting women should keep it in their minds that they cannot do exercises throughout the period of their pregnancy. Most of the workout activities prescribed for these women is not supposed to be done during the last few months of pregnancy. Usually, experts recommend some safe exercise tips for women during the period of their pregnancy. These tips include:

Get in touch with your consulting physician

  • Add extra amount of calories
  • Avoid dangerous sports
  • Wear comfortable clothes
  • Undertake warm-up sessions
  • Drink water at regular intervals
  • Never lie flat on your back
  • Do not get exhausted
  • Get up from the floor quite slowly
  • Relax your body quite often

Expectant moms are recommended to prefer cardiovascular exercises to other types of workouts. Cardiovascular exercises are known to strengthen functions of heart and keep blood pressure at normal level. These things have far-reaching effects on smooth delivery of baby. There are mainly four types of cardiovascular exercises. These include walking, swimming, dancing and low-impact aerobic exercises.

Exercises to Avoid
Unless your doctor tells you otherwise, it's also wise to avoid any activities that include:

  • bouncing
  • jarring (anything that would cause a lot of up and down movement)
  • leaping
  • a sudden change of direction
  • a risk of abdominal injury

Typical limitations include contact sports, downhill skiing, scuba diving, and horseback riding because of the risk of injury they pose.

Clothes for pregnant women during pregnancy

Extra precautions regarding clothes should be taken for pregnant women who exercise regularly. Dominating point in this regard is that whatever clothes such women wear; they should be comfortable in the first place. Best option for pregnant women is to sport unitard clothes which are made of stretchy fabrics [blend of lycra and cotton]. These clothes have lined bras which give support while you are busy in workout sessions in gym. Important feature of unitard clothe is that it gives a feel of roominess in and around tummy.

The cradle bangalore is comprehensive health care for women, not just during pregnancy and post-delivery but also in pre-pregnancy planning. For more details you can visit our hospital in bangalore or contact us at

The Cradle Bangalore
1533, 9th Main, 3rd Block,
Bangalore - 560 011

Tel: 080 - 4020 2222
Fax: 080 - 4020 2233


Follow us on facebook!/TheCradleBangalore or

Twitter handle:

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