Monday, May 17, 2010

Pregnancy Stages: Body Changes During Pregnancy | Pregnancy and Gradual Changes It Causes to Body

Pregnancy and Gradual Changes It Causes to Body
Pregnancy is an exciting process which enables you to feel your baby grow day by day and week by week. The process of pregnancy can be more exciting and thrilling for woman who is passing through the experience for the first time. It is nice to know what these changes [especially body changes] are all about and what they mean. The changes which expecting women feel and see are mainly due to the changes which take place inside. These changes actually happen to the baby that is inside the womb.

The entire period of pregnancy can be divided into three stages which are also known as trimesters. These trimesters can also help track the features and shapes of the baby inside week by week. Let's cast a close look at each of these trimesters.

First trimester
First trimester of pregnancy expands over a period of three and a half months. If we calculate the period in week, the first trimester begins from the first day of the last period and lasts until the end of the 13th week. This stage is known to cause prolonged and horrible vomiting tendency. The morning sickness can be caused at anytime. But specially, it takes place during daytime. The expecting mothers can also experience enlarged breasts during this stage of pregnancy.

Doctors usually advise pregnant women during the first trimester to include lots of vitamin, mineral, folic acid and nutrient supplements to their daily food intake. These supplements play vital roles in the growth and development of the baby inside. Women passing through the first trimester of pregnancy are recommended to take extra precaution against any kind of heavy weight lifting or jerking. Doctors advise to take extra precaution against these mostly at the start of the first trimester because during this period, implantation of embryo takes place.

Second trimester
This stage of pregnancy is known to be less vulnerable to risk. Experts term the phase as the most relaxed and easiest stage as most of the expectant women restore their lost energy during this period. Trimester is less vulnerable to risk mainly because the embryo gets well-rooted at the onset of this stage. This phase lasts until seven months of pregnancy. Second trimester is considered to expand from 14 to 28 weeks of pregnancy.

Third trimester
Third trimester begins when pregnancy enters into 28th week and it lasts until 40th week when it gains full-term. During this stage of pregnancy, expectant women behave more sensitively, anxiously and emotionally. But these are common and natural behavior. Most often, this final stage of pregnancy carries with it symptom like back pain that is only due to increased body weight.

To know more about pregnancy you can visit their clinic, The cradle bangalore is comprehensive health care for women, not just during pregnancy and post-delivery but also in pre-pregnancy planning. For more details you can visit their hospital in bangalore or contact them at

The Cradle Bangalore
1533, 9th Main, 3rd Block,
Bangalore - 560 011

Tel: 080 - 4020 2222
Fax: 080 - 4020 2233


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